Sunday, August 25, 2013

West Leyden Drawing I student working on his pattern design.  This kid is awesome.

West Leyden Art Student working on her design project.
Plein Air Monroe Street Bridge Chicago "bang bang"  Oil 10x10.
This is a 10X10 inch oil painting done in Plein Air in Door County WI.  Titled "Beach Lane" not to be confused with Beach Road which is 20 feet to the left.  Framed and ready to go.

Monday, August 12, 2013

This is a recent plein air painting in downtown Chicago bang bang.  Its oil on a 10x10 canvas. This marks the end of the summer and start of the new school year.  Good luck to all my art students.  I look forward to working with you this school year. Now show me what you can do.

Friday, August 2, 2013

This is a recent plein air painting from Door Count Wis.  on Beach Road outside of Sisterbay.

I prefer to remain an enigma. Or a conundrum.  I forget which.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

This is an illustration done by West Leyden Alum Roberto Almanza.  He recnetly graduated from the American Academy of Art in Chicago.  Thats my kind of pencil sharpener.